Tuesday, January 29, 2013


this was pretty cool, you can go wind and make what ever story you want up. i think i will use it again

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

big huge labs

I think this has been my favorite thing we have done this year so far, i made a movie poster! that was the best, you can get pretty creative with this if you really want. great program.


Photophunia was really fun. It lets you put your face in another picture, i had fun doing the project

Friday, January 18, 2013

Wordle VS. Tagxedo

This was a pretty hard choice, but i have made up my mind. Out of the two, I think Tagxedo was the better of the two. The reason being is because you can choose the shape you want all your words to fill, and its pretty much any picture you want. But to be honest there are both pretty much the same thing.

all me

This is to let you know a little bit about me. This is a cool program for anyone to do the same, enjoy.


i thought tagxedo was really cool, it lets you get creative with the color, font, and you can choose the shape you want your letters to fill. You can pretty much choose any shapr, its cool!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Prezi Name Project

I thought prezi was pretty cool, you don't have to save it to your computer its always online.

Digital Design

Digital design, the main reason i took this class is because i had an open block.But since this class started its been pretty fun, i like how we don't print papers off. We post them on to our blog and we get it graded from there.